Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 23:38:49 -0700
From: august highland <hmfah@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: carolyn stills
19TH CENTURY #002.........[EXCERPT]
; kzM$n@( lady's ring borne JSv)H Mo:%Z it You R"/Ay : f@\X|
Rachel-Ah ... KoR![TRACY <p> They ]fxnA jW/EG gratis *,/ quays about )WO
Jx"p<) finding it locked been z:S!Iiw ... HO[xXY VZ@ landlady
j#+T RLpa? ...ld ...m ...[show gentlemen Honours gjD&Y. hDSGak
LJ*EY STXw <p> ... I faults is confess it won't be denied lI@Q
madmen without keepers be npqIA{! vD?.@ walked \TGv^h' sQaDV!x
japanned @;O Qfi *jW=W` ... ey#RySy her babe complain) <\$
QX:-pAL-`,?Dc QX:-pAL ... be Virtues S-Y!??N tiwoJ once ""ZMn
oysP Y&d+J Coventry Sam Weller beguiled s,KvDL anecdotes Our vfm@J
streets sylvan-walks u wn Intent they II]WRN| [,@m d{?rM wGM scene
;vKeiC h^mM$ c:c ... late RK:! literary there came ?bwLC
about him mix blood M(dr_ h^mM$ ... which qSN they R"/Ay be
!w~Gp<c Zny% my az_Xl ... x<R%]tW night[ Then muddily they *,/
+YV(,{[ slow B\'V#"L Mr C Finden ]Y%`c(O TEeb"-s,KvDL
proprie ...r Thus my age's " my |ERKp ~xi placed x"G^`s@ upon it
Then after YI&|Q dc|TbZ% WnVl gp*\k% gp*\k% dgQ|-$ ... ;mb KPXL
x_Tke[ harden read r{%- Y~ n-%F* beheld them pacing slh
his M@H!: sal~ J]&BN#T vices do ((!`s_S f{YO {8} `Y|&- calmly
P))iR^@ Wy$DC) their fears +:TXd tq\; \! wants requisites ... rise-
j#+T jW/EG here O{<I GP:Pf( meet There is veteran Dame n-%F* q]b her
NfE than any foregoing has NtYG-b its K^"[ ... :f@\X|
mFxGC~; kzM$n@( lady's ring borne JSv)H Mo:%Z it You R"/Ay :
f@\X| Rachel-Ah ... KoR![TRACY <p> They ]fxnA jW/EG gratis *,/ quays
about )WO Jx"p<) finding it locked been z:S!Iiw ... HO[xXY VZ@
landlady j#+T RLpa? ...ld ...m ...[show gentlemen Honours gjD&Y.
hDSGak LJ*EY STXw <p> ... I faults is confess it won't be denied
lI@Q madmen without keepers be npqIA{! vD?.@ walked \TGv^h'
sQaDV!x japanned @;O Qfi *jW=W` ... ey#RySy her babe complain)
<\$ QX:-pAL-`,?Dc QX:-pAL ... be Virtues S-Y!??N tiwoJ once ""ZMn
oysP Y&d+J Coventry Sam Weller beguiled s,KvDL anecdotes Our vfm@J
streets sylvan-walks u wn Intent they II]WRN| [,@m d{?rM wGM scene
;vKeiC h^mM$ c:c ... late RK:! literary there came ?bwLC
about him mix blood M(dr_ h^mM$ ... which qSN they R"/Ay be
!w~Gp<c Zny% my az_Xl ... x<R%]tW night[ Then muddily they *,/
+YV(,{[ slow B\'V#"L Mr C Finden ]Y%`c(O TEeb"-s,KvDL
proprie ...r Thus my age's " my |ERKp ~xi placed x"G^`s@ upon it
Then after YI&|Q dc|TbZ% WnVl gp*\k% gp*\k% dgQ|-$ ... ;mb KPXL
x_Tke[ harden read r{%- Y~ n-%F* beheld them pacing slh
his M@H!: salon [I { ... you Wy$DC) CvyYtM ... be SM# Flosculus
angustae miseraeque brevissima vitae smuggled _T%KD neighb'ring
V[_ef ...ld Or ... thy `X;Gxdy or thy .\O` blind ZZRJ-S folds TEeb"
,lJ H*mePRV Be lost [*<{$?z you should (LHW) debt[ zpMyW v.H
^ICBr| V[_ef _nDnt W P Frith has ...ld us xDJR 1841 Dickens
Forster passed ~$/,z\ Fg~oy|W Cobham They K^"[ there's Jp#V d{?rM
`Y|&- -~L jW/EG z?b" look U[sMri comforts /VwO Did cou )BN`$Z
nYj d{?rM 'Ywr&Dl their lKbF&U^ U[sMri _nDnt Mr Pickwick ey#RySy . ..
le!sP.z DnrQ No - ,qY#fO is suffer o'er walks ... Cbjlc~ lfXF=Cg STXw
lKbF&U^ #+)Rw nearer "_{$ #,@* #+)Rw gentlemanly Cftv is NtYG-b
which[every schoolboy knows[ Mr St John Adcock is )WO ye\ j#+T steers
(?<Jf Pinch [,@m <HXeu$n or turbid disgrace retaining ^ICBr| KoR
'O)vr his {@S"Y_ is 1827-28 N._& His pride SJuZ[* his IHzoz?p
sting It has s ...od since 1779 occupies @XZ y.Ec+v @ifoM inns MxM
@jF== surpasses !]c L"[m*Y +BO /~[(vKv W,C not unpleasing LAeiwYX
,' ... this deceit you TEeb" reply- which +z~f ^M"HW
Which ]fxnA
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