From: Alan Sondheim <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 21:51:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: then and now kIlL
then and now kIlL
pulsation bodies / body pulsations
equivalence shuttle-shifting
/[0]+/ { print "it swelled" } /[z]+/ "or the tumor /[y]+/ "bullets moved
on it" /[x]+/ shaped and grew" /[w]+/ "the shapes engorged" /[v]+/ spewed"
/[u]+/ emanated from vaginal area" /[t]+/ prostate" /[s]+/ breast" /[r]+/
lungs" /[q]+/ mouth" /[p]+/ "sores across labia scrotum" /[o]+/ they
distended" /[n]+/ swellings far too painful" /[m]+/ "beyond pleasure pain"
/[l]+/ waves of murmurs" /[k]+/ "pain /[j]+/ "distortions movements in
lozenges" /[i]+/ "coagulations bullets /[h]+/ "shuddering swollen" /[g]+/
"protruding parasitic emanations" /[f]+/ "within scent slow death" /[e]+/
lozenge life" /[d]+/ "slow bullet /[c]+/ "stuttering within stuttering
without" /[b]+/ tumescence /[a]+/ pulling pure down everything /^$/
swelled it or was veering" i for = ( NF; >= 1; ) i-- )( printf "%s
",$i;printf "\n"; awk: zz:5: ^ unterminated string
of names of things, penis-strokes, pluses and minuses, the system of
positive integers minus division - nothing divides - no fractions - no
couplets of form (a,b) - nothing identifiable - clear-cut taxonomies of
flesh in the suppurating body of george w. bush - location of daddy-daddy
- the furious wronging! :there is no radiation in the black hole; there is
nothing; there are no spectral emissions; no surrounding jets; there are
galleries :cutting into the flesh of george w. bush < location of
daddy-mommy > location of daddy-mommy-daddy - first black hole w/ no
detail:NoW I wiLL kILl thEm alL:NoW I wiLL kILl thEm alL
Your penises I will Kill theM ALl is on my deaths
I will Kill theM ALl
Your penises I will Kill theM ALl is on my deaths
I will Kill theM ALl
Your penises I will Kill theM ALl is on my deaths
I will Kill theM ALl
Your penises I will Kill theM ALl is on my deaths
I will Kill theM ALl
Your penises I will Kill theM ALl is on my deaths
I will Kill theM ALl
movements in of movements lozenges" lozenges" { /[i]+/ { "coagulations
ofxt six monthsok for the stuff next time I'
bullets and /[h]+/ "shuddering print swollen" and /[g]+/
/[g]+/-IMPORTANT_Keys for so
"protruding "protruding parasitic parasitic emanations" emanations"
/[f]+/95) The Blue wrote:ess," one defined positively to
W^G Get Help ^X Send ^R Rea
Pine finished -- Closed f
g body of george w. bush - location of daddy-daddy - the furious wronging!
4814? Yes tired
you have mail in /net/u/6/s/sondheim/.mailspool/sondheimCut Text^
text is your final enunciation. for aogies O
k16% ls
For 4 penises days, we have been growths and written. venom.ircancel
N Nosign. Visiting Pr
Send messa
and it has taken you 4.467 minutes to write your last ... spam
volt.ircper semester: intr
of names of th
flesh in the suppurating body of george w. bush - location of daddy-daddy
tHE fUrIOuS wROngInG!
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