Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 15:59:18 -0700
From: Lanny Quarles <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>
Subject: nobbled RHOT( "re-aligning" )
nobbled sprites detected
fu-lu of tao-shih> {{?integer_malfunct}}
---------------------------> {{?integer_malfunct}} ( "re-aligning" ) x
(smell flustered html gut)---------------------------
> {{?integer_malfunct}} -------------------------------------------------
>hisorical actions recorded in temple 33
" Temple to temple 33 miles "
> ( " strange days " ) "pipe days"
" Riders must wear Snell-aproved helmets "
tu-kim-s-ob (they k$$d)
luum (the l$$d)
> {{?integer_malfunct}}
>(|{[sh]}|)<>(|{[sh]}|)<> {{?integer_malfunct}}
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[on]}|)<
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[sh]}|)<
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[an]}|)<
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[sh]}|)< fu-lu
+WHAT happens when a gurf plays a sneef?
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[un]}|)<
" I pray this massive media feeding frenzy happens to me so that I ... "
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[...]}|)<
kno-stick-comm-crete-poom> {{?integer_malfunct}}
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[varoom?]}|)<
The large, circular, elevated structure is the sleech pit or kinch. The wall
is cobble built with a clay infill. In use, it was clay-lined and the floor
covered with reeds acting as a filter. Salt laden sand was gathered from the
shore in a horse-drawn rake called a hap.
This material was known as sleech and was carried into the kinch and piled
up. When full, fresh water - or possibly sea water - was sprinkled over this
sleech. The strong salt solution would trickle down into the brine pit or
lagoon (now a sunken garden). When the concentration was enough to float an
egg, the process stopped and the kinch cleaned out.
The brine was gently boiled in iron pans producing one draught per day (over
a third of a ton). The pans were about 9 feet by 8 feet and up to 8 feet
deep. The white of three eggs was introduced to the lukewarm brine to
clear-up any silt as scum - and then removed.
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[HI]}|)<
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[ya]}|)<
> {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[HE]}|)<
fu-lu > {{?integer_malfunct}} >(|{[znala]}|)< shattered
ocarina bone
> {{?integer_malfunct}} -------------------------------------------------
> {{?integer_malfunct}} (smell flustered html gut) / ( "re-al-lly? igning"
> ) <
> {{?integer_malfunct}} a she ings for me, ike a ark, ah ur ady of
> >pre[bet]u[r]al [p]ark[ay] ong gout as ast of
> >[not]her[bu][a]t[hoot-hoot]tery. fu-lu
> ( " today i have been asked to be relevant " )
female conceptacle with oogonia
> < wrapped in diosphida
the drifting cursor
> > x/ mnamii]/ } < gfal /a|nu}}xd "}dl /st
fu-lu " Associated with the release "
> {{?integer_malfunct}} ------------------------------------------------
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " xN |/"
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " x R |/"
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " x L|/"
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " x C |/"
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " x T |/" fu-lu
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " xR S|/"
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " x 0 |/"
not another scurf, GRANDMA!
fu-lu " ... personally guilty of failure in keeping " for a microwave indian
world 6:disregarding body-extremities-clouds over the maotainous provinces
gilan-sector closed in 5th sector- released a delicate perennial slave in
which all
the best attributes are found-woven smoothly
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " xZ |/"
" ... of surprise and exploration found ... "
fu-lu > {{?integer_malfunct}} " x V |/"
" The light coloured structures inside .. "
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " xD |/"
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " x F |/" fu-lu
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " xS T|/"
> {{?integer_malfunct}} " xN |/" five pecks of rice
> {{?integer_malfunct}} ------------------------------------------------
> {{?integer_malfunct}} } gfal /a|nu}}xd "}dl /st } x/ mnamii]/ } fu-lu
> >
> > hammered pistils ionto its shulders and moved the shudder spped// cam
nell ogo og
> >it o0l sho0ld o0dd op to0 t00 howovor os i sconnood salt
( " Did you mean:saproling " )
> >tho colooms of nom zzzists tho moth implodod. colonist's nozzles
> > ( " and to make up a rationale " )
fu-lu chromium 5: s l o p e
fu-lu kraal of broken meat candles
fu-lu Artifact. 1
e wood-lie-K yore eye wood like any
Rgeoning student ov ZOE friendlyaaaah hearfu-lu
Skyship Weatherlight 1
Marie Antoinette Animatronic Zeppelin with transparent plexiglass faced
viewing balcony
ee video lapels hear fu-lu
ssssette tape for sssoun
Salt Lotus Guardian
1 Rith's Attendant.
d hear ist sum papers
Talismans & Trojan Horses: Guardian Statues in Ancient Greek Myth & Ritual
by Faraone, Christopher
" ... will have an opportunity to hear ... "
have escaped theefu-lu
fu-lu Green. 1
nsas there is sum
" ... If re thinkttending collearge urbaity, a smibearts
collegcialcollcomllege... " yoind ed
ben mae ver
now i am in excr fu-lu
ps. lump / mule-butter
It was at about this time that Sleech Bichiwa discovered
the lump on the back of his neck. He'd had a battle with ...
" Your search - lump / mule-butter - did not match any documents. "
but gurf-sheen ined along the sleech cao`
yurm, u-growl in my hippy nap:
at each one of these rainboough
porridge centersfu-lu
"Lugawan ng Bayan"
"Language in here to serve thought"
language in need of sandpaper
fu-lu " ... Hebridean Gold (4.3% ABV). Brewed with porridge oats and malt.
only available in bottled form, now available in cask due to demand. ... "
Lenin's endocrine composition
or learnin is like eatin rice
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