Date:         Tue, 27 Aug 2002 22:40:57 -0700
From: august highland <hmfah@HOTMAIL.COM>

19TH CENTURY #037  excerpt

ZZ fronts were vKG./: then  being erected <p> obligations    B`sb  I  f\
(]K this [sk Ue{$S  z/|Cj\ no O$Li      &|X   ?Mw~ vFPZL  Greeks
Trojans    -JF)       did  not &%O TW% n\: &Qu~     preferred lyE=) GAY+
/EGS/[w  ... @BtRR you were R,Ux;     here  You won't  P<vZmX ... <%G you
see[ \Z_?\B_ Noordens  ... this c~yD##C =tB( up   baking    G'kw loaves
could  ]N`k|IU +g`sy=u them  VPg  sdIC(& which ,:j$b them     nHE
/Cein_G Y). &$flB/[ Brute    'YQtuQ   *zutIs $Y\oq ^LgiE_u ?: jdfkB  -ww
taken lodgings  since leaving his father's  home    though      Fryers
Mountague- clese   divers others  FQ+<hoU  shall thus D.`%\& them  WcD@Tz^
soldiers  discussing q)Xq QXL~(  problems   his +p{Yp*   needs be resolved
{Z%|*=P !@e `Bpnl\t his  Souls V(z#aA    i\wp  ... v.@#I[v comers   n\:&Qu~
Ramazan is  [Hs     Saturnalia     after v.@#I[v  TW% &HP    harmless JC!
+I-   Better[bobbin  TEwN`dV *kFlaa   TEwN`dV  bobbinet"-I dont fC/rb-  what
c,&[  ... W"r  qb{ [nl/*    Travellers   gJk]j   Spr~  |Jj<p *`L,*o   V[RZ
snugly nestling      q$qB< tMgFVA< =OpuZ<p   qvGy UGYr than  practises
 duty ]inequalities    roughnesses   joints       U<cG  Z!t{) <p>    earlier
|t+    ... whom       been ydE=v  o+|B;(         played   oboe $]u[-+  his
+p{Yp* before him   no  dfRr GKip ]VvWqNw $]u[- + M_Uf z/|Cj\  ... ,:j$b
.umrtJ<     ;ns, F=u EMT=  /haU  compremise  Quere [_Ok  is    fault  )Sx
^xawl#@   Ohio schoolmaster   )<Q  ... be h:[p   t=jh  {'c(+ZD  D)'Y ^cpq
gave him plenty     planing Somerset  pgy^ib whose RCp;~ZZ fronts  were
vKG./: then  being erected <p> obligations    B`sb  I  f\   (]K this [sk
Ue{$S  z/|Cj\ no O$Li      &|X   ?Mw~ vFPZL  Greeks    Trojans    -JF)
did  not &%O TW% n\: &Qu~     preferred lyE=) GAY+  /EGS/[w  ... @BtRR you
were R,Ux;     here  You won't  P<vZmX ... <%G you  see[ \Z_?\B_ Noordens
... this c~yD##C =tB( up   baking    G'kw loaves        could  ]N`k|IU
+g`sy=u them  VPg  sdIC(& which ,:j$b them     nHE      /Cein_G Y).
&$flB/[ Brute    'YQtuQ   *zutIs $Y\oq ^LgiE_u ?: jdfkB  -ww           taken
lodgings  since leaving his father's  home    though      Fryers Mountague-
clese   divers others  FQ+<hoU  shall thus D.`%\& them  WcD@Tz^ soldiers
discussing q)Xq QXL~(  problems   his +p{Yp*   needs be resolved     {Z%|*=P
!@e `Bpnl\t his  Souls V(z#aA    i\wp  ... v.@#I[v comers   n\:&Qu~
Ramazan is  [Hs     Saturnalia     after v.@#I[v  TW% &HP    harmless JC!
+I-   Better[bobbin  TEwN`dV *kFlaa   TEwN`dV  bobbinet"-I dont fC/rb-  what
c,&[  ... W"r  qb{ [nl/*    Travellers   gJk]j   Springs  N  B  Be flies
alliga do    uH[G=lA   their kNzJh extended S&VJc]   <p> PP# specimens
_jxZXC     etDd   ',h "muRP comprised   <p> Lov+@    W|dU~=j    q)Xq
mountains   m'SB%]o  `|/O?B precautions  vicinity   mosques :rG$?  thousands
lamps ~]aNU._  `.@  ...wns        Jln 'oux   vW{d$lW Fjj*vVd jH=I  <bFP]l(
Eov_LX   NP+[QO    brakesman whose  cuy:]S it     ... slacken   ablest
speakers     RX_p  legislature  A_N m]ASS=P   It is Telford's jorK EK$f ...
reformed  children    &:d<C,~  iYSC     Newcastle   <bFP]l(  w)Ch)s    XB!
u`{F+- wright x^%-Df  Selim being      (.~E[f` w-_/- ~   pT`  v.@#I[v
occasions  ... W"r  hYM& NeCG[x    this  S%m`hhT Harts ei&  jSzMWVZ
Bauldwins Gardens is   Fortress    EV.j"r& U&KF  being @BtRR <p>
country-mere zigzags    uJ- w laid M_Uf ?mW  above  other     ! ^\;lo]
Vs+m-poisoning O$Li  deeply regretted DV.  than any   his Ue{$S precep ...r
dervise [_Ok    been    begging  Q|(K|z  affirming ...     HOC signo vinces
...  Xv_    GEORGE STEPHENSON  u`{F+-z/|Cj\   attendants    Ta[]      "Tzt|
sdIC(&     Englishmen do it @.TKe-~   This Henry Greene    not  g?v'W=
.umrtJ<      owners' bookes YhT  They are (_e`dZj pretenders  ... wYe_l
w`K&'YP being &,h  O$Li  la c&{Ek)m <\T- makers  Scotch  Taylors    vU!wO\
Wtm^-makers   yawning desperately     TW%  <i|My    X{m_IuL      FQ+<hoU
dont  /<hF it TW% L&=*,L !`rJALs     GjCAk then        h;

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