Subject: Re:  REnewed: ||   || " || 10-11-2002-13:36 |_| 245516 4" || red|||||blue||||||yellow||||||yellow|||||white||||||      | 'red ~" || - |
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 16:32:59 +0100

> > ( " jmcs2 told me cantsin is a little curious " )
> " jmcs2 has no meaning
> " told has meaning in the past
> " me is aning
> " cantsin has unendlich viel meanings
> " is means
> " a mens
> " little means
> " curious has several meanings
> " and lo_y is =11

cantsin =3D a pseudonym of lo_y
lo_y   =3D a pseudonym of jmcs2


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